What is being a witness for Christ?

October 7, 2020
8:00 am

I want to talk with you about the verse in Acts 1:8 where it says;

…and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and the ends of the earth.

I want to remind you today that you've been called to witness for Jesus.

In one way or another your life needs to be an example to those that are around you, and for you to bring them to Christ. Don't forget the scriptures tell us, Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners! He's called us to help in that task of winning people for Christ. So wherever you are and whatever you are doing, seek to be obedient. Whether you are talking to a cashier, someone you work with, members of your family, or a neighbour next door, remember that Jesus loves them and cares for them

Sometimes, God might ask you to do something perhaps it’s a little out of your comfort zone but don’t forget obedience to Christ always brings reward. 

I remember some years ago the Lord said to me that he wanted me to go and speak at the top of the marketplace as an open air witness to Jesus. So in nervousness and in trembling I went up to the market place and stood on a wall there and I preached the gospel. I told people about the love of Christ and how he came to the world and died upon the cross of Calvary that people might come to know him as Lord and Saviour. Many people passed by and 2 or 3 stopped to listen and a young man on a bike stop by the curb and afterwards he came up to me he said,

“What you’ve had to say has interested me.” 

His name was Bob Merit. Bob Merit became a wonderful Christian. Over the years I’ve seen Bob Merit grow and move away from London to Darlington and become an Elder in the church in Darlington, the church in which he started attending. I thought how wonderful it is, that just being obedient to what God was asking brought about the result of someone coming to Christ. So let me encourage you again today, that we need to be his Witnesses. 

We look in the scriptures in Acts chapter 2 and see that as they witnessed for Christ, 3000 came to know Christ. Then again we see them witnessing for Christ and 5000 coming to Christ. Then we see in Acts Chapter 13 how that when the disciples who were gathered together in Antioch spoke to Paul and Silas and they said “you need to come to know Christ” and what happened was they went out on a missionary journey and they won many more for Christ. Right the way through the new testament we see many being won for Christ. 

So let me encourage you today to put on your 'witnessing hat' when you’re going out and look for opportunities. As you pray, say, “Lord if there’s an opportunity for me to speak a word for you today, do an act for you, to be engaged in the gospel of Christ for you, help me to do that because I want to be a good servant today.”

The Lord bless you, have a great day.

Pastor Pete Cunningham
Founding Director